Forever Guarantee

We make jewelry that lasts forever.

Our Forever Guarantee:

Every single piece we design and manufacture must meet our stringent standards of excellence. Every Roy piece purchased directly from us is Guaranteed Forever. Yes. Forever. 

We transcribe and register the date, time, and unique identifier of your purchase. The guarantee is valid only if your piece has been sold directly by Roy Jewels. Any piece purchased in the secondary market nullifies our guarantee. 

If your item has a manufacturing defect, you may email us at We will email you a reply with specific instructions to return your piece for inspection. If your piece is damaged due to a manufacturing defect, we will repair the merchandise, replace the item, or provide you with a full Roy store credit of the purchase price if we can not repair or replace your piece. 

Guarantee Limitations:

Our guarantee excludes normal wear-and-tear (notably the wear-and-tear of non-metal bracelets and straps), loss, theft, or damage due to misuse. The substitution of components with, or the addition of, components or accessories not manufactured by Roy will invalidate the guarantee.